Nature is Win-Win in Creating COVID-19 Ayurveda Healing Balance

In COVID-19 Ayurveda healing balance, nature is the key player. In coming back into a natural balance, we encourage our chances for wellnes and the planet’s at the same time. Quelling COVID-19 and meeting climate change from an Ayurvedic perspective are the same thing. Both are about coming back into balance with nature and ourselves.…

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In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down, impacting all of us. Are there measures you can use from Ayurveda that positively strengthen yourself and your community? In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old East Indian complementary medical system utilizing healing methods…

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COVID-19 Diarrhea Loss of Smell: Early Onset Symptoms in Less Severe Cases

There’s a variety of things our bodies can do if/or as they encounter the COVID-19 virus. These include: subdue it, not pass it on, interact with it, minimize damage. My humble aim is to keep as many of us on the planet as healthy and well-resourced as possible. We’ve most all of us been focused…

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Healing Ayurveda in COVID 19 Pandemic Times

The focus of Ayurveda, the ancient East Indian science of self-healing, is to support optimal health with fresh air, nature, healthy food, enjoyable movement, and a clear mind & heart. These are all the elements that also help us maintain a strong immune system with Ayurveda in COVID 19 pandemic times. This immune strength serves…

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Nature is alive in us. And we are alive in Her.

Nature is alive in us. Last week I looked out the window toward the sky in the northeast. Through the tall pines, clouds rolled by steadily. There were two small clouds in the middle of a patch of blue, being guided along to the east by the large mass of clouds circling them. It gave…

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3 Tips to Support Majja, the Nervous System and Fascia

What is Majja? In Ayurveda, our nervous system and connective tissue have a special connection. They are both considered components of Majja, one of the seven essential tissues for life, the dhatus. What is Majja? It is our ability to communicate with all of our senses through the nervous system. It is the capacity to…

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Moving into the New with Intention and the Five Elements

At the root of healing change in Ayurveda lie the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.My teacher Garchen Rinpoche has connected the elements, attitudes and suffering. He has spoken in the past about the relationship of anger and fire. The aim is not to erase anger, yet to act with love on what…

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The Clean Plate Club

Are you a member of the clean plate club? If ever I ask a group of people to pick out one rule from their past that still haunts their eating patterns, they choose the clean plate rule. You know, you’ve got to finish everything on your plate or else. As a kid, in my husband’s…

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What to Eat When the Rains Come?

In the Northern Hemisphere we are fortunate if the rains come, hopefully enough, and not too much or too little. With climate change, sentient beings have been hard hit in the last week, with record storms in Gujarat, West Bengal and Rajasthan displacing thousands of people in India. In areas across the planet as widespread…

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Finding Space for Yes

YES has been harder to find than NO lately. News in recent weeks in North America hasn’t promised fresh hope for the immediate support by this new administration of democracy and diversity. Instead, NO has become an essential and much used word by citizens and neighboring countries alike. “Mexico says no to Trump’s new deportation…

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