Open to the Spice of Life

Discover easy, supportive ways to get healthier in your own life. You can use nutrition, Ayurveda, yoga, or touch therapy to substantially improve your well being. Amadea creates an individualized program specifically designed for you and your needs with simple healing changes you can weave into your life. Schedule a consultation today.

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Amadea Morningstar
The Ayurveda Polarity Therapy & Yoga Institute

Amadea Morningstar, MA, RPE, RYT, CGC, meets you where you are. Her great strength is to discover your strengths, and help you to apply them in a supportive, clear environment. Whether you are looking for a one on one consult, an in depth class, an opportunity to mentor, or the inspiration within her blog, Amadea is available with respect and expertise. Her 40 years of professional experience includes Ayurveda health care education, Western nutrition, Polarity Therapy, Marma Therapy, Integral yoga, and nature-based approaches.


Her school, The Ayurveda Polarity Therapy and Yoga Institute, provides hands-on experiential and academic training in the fields of Ayurvedic nutrition and herbology, self care, Marma therapy, and Polarity Therapy. The Institute is committed to integrating these with the ancient art of yoga to create win-win opportunities for sustainable healing.

Nourishing ourselves

on every level

free talk on You tube

with Amadea Morningstar


Learn more about how you can directly apply Ayurveda, food, and the koshas to enhancing your own nourishment (and your clients') with breath, marma, and awareness.


To access this video

Click here


Nourishing Ourselves on Every Level: ASCE II participants 2012,  Image thanks to Renee Lynn


Enjoy Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda

by Amadea Morningstar & Renee Lynn

Enjoy our exclusive website price for the four seasons full color paperback

of Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda for $18.00.  

$4.99: spring-summer eBook recipes

$4.99: Easy Healing Drinks Winter eBook


Dr. Vasant Lad, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician

Purchase your copy now

Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda

Full color four seasons paperback



"I participated in your marma workshop and a couple of the drop in mentor group sessions last year. I'm teaching Ayurvedic cooking classes and self care at an inpatient and outpatient recovery center in San Diego. Today, I introduced the groups to marma and we played with the grounding and nervous system sequences. The participants LOVED it and gave feedback about which sequence they would take with them and practice ongoing. I also practiced a little with them and felt SO MUCH calmer afterward. 

I'm writing this to tell you that the impact of your sharing is rippling all over the place. And that I'm so grateful for your offering." Emily R., 2024

“Thank you Amadea for …your part in the absolutely wonderful, delightful workshop. Your beautiful energy radiated what I needed to hear. I am back on track on a healthy diet & have gained courage to do what I have wanted to do for a long time, using the polarity work with clients." Susan B., 2016


“I completed my Ayurvedic Lifestyle Certification (750 hours) at Kripalu last year. The courses I took from you, Amadea, were a perfect mix of review and new information that helped to make the completion of the 750 hour course much easier. Thanks… Your courses are wonderful.” Brenda D., 2011

The Lastest From Amadea's Blog

Ayurveda late winter spring fare

Ayurveda Late Winter Spring Fare:

February 27, 2024

Eating with the Season & Your Doshas Discovering what Ayurveda late winter spring fare is just right for you can take some self examination. Not everyone responds to late winter or early spring in the same way. A lot depends on the balance of your doshas. The Doshas Change with the Seasons Ayurveda tracks the…

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Ayurveda ode to buckwheat

Ayurveda Ode to Buckwheat: a shout out to the Southern Hemisphere

February 26, 2024

Knowing that we’re in these last few weeks (perhaps) of winter here in the North, I’ve been especially enjoying warming buckwheat, before I begin to shift over to more cooling grains. As the Northern Hemisphere leaves winter behind, I’ve got a favorite warming breakfast I want to pass on to inhabitants of the Southern Hemisphere,…

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Adapt Recipes Use Ayurveda with Ease

Adapt Recipes Use Ayurveda with Ease

February 12, 2024

Adapt Recipes Use Ayurveda with ease is a creative process. You can play with the food you eat in fresh ways, to make it just right for you. Ayurveda has tremendous tools to specifically hone recipes to suit you and/or your household, using the 21 gunas, the 6 tastes, breath, and marma. When our daughter…

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