In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down, impacting all of us. Are there measures you can use from Ayurveda that positively strengthen yourself and your community? In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old East Indian complementary medical system utilizing healing methods…

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Excellent nutrition is a big step toward having excellent immunity. In COVID-19 Ayurveda nutrition works to prevent, minimize, and heal infection. Over 80% of us on the planet who have developed an infection to the virus so far are experiencing mild symptoms. This could be cause for encouragement.  In Ayurveda, healthy nourishing foods and fluids…

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COVID-19 Diarrhea Loss of Smell: Early Onset Symptoms in Less Severe Cases

There’s a variety of things our bodies can do if/or as they encounter the COVID-19 virus. These include: subdue it, not pass it on, interact with it, minimize damage. My humble aim is to keep as many of us on the planet as healthy and well-resourced as possible. We’ve most all of us been focused…

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