Skillful Living
In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health
The coronavirus has turned the world upside down, impacting all of us. Are there measures you can use from Ayurveda that positively strengthen yourself and your community? In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old East Indian complementary medical system utilizing healing methods…
Excellent nutrition is a big step toward having excellent immunity. In COVID-19 Ayurveda nutrition works to prevent, minimize, and heal infection. Over 80% of us on the planet who have developed an infection to the virus so far are experiencing mild symptoms. This could be cause for encouragement. In Ayurveda, healthy nourishing foods and fluids…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Diarrhea Loss of Smell: Early Onset Symptoms in Less Severe Cases
There’s a variety of things our bodies can do if/or as they encounter the COVID-19 virus. These include: subdue it, not pass it on, interact with it, minimize damage. My humble aim is to keep as many of us on the planet as healthy and well-resourced as possible. We’ve most all of us been focused…
Read MoreHealing Ayurveda in COVID 19 Pandemic Times
The focus of Ayurveda, the ancient East Indian science of self-healing, is to support optimal health with fresh air, nature, healthy food, enjoyable movement, and a clear mind & heart. These are all the elements that also help us maintain a strong immune system with Ayurveda in COVID 19 pandemic times. This immune strength serves…
Read MorePower through Skillful Action: a Voter-Verified Paper Trail for Citizens of Every State, no exceptions – Take Two
In Ayurveda, the larger focus is to work skillfully with current conditions, no matter what is presented. In Yoga, there is the powerful sutra, “Pain that has not yet come is avoidable (in Sanskrit, Heyam Dukham Anagatam).” Yet in a capitalist society like this one, there is a strong tendency to try to gather power…
Read MoreTransparent Paper Trail in 2020, Shine Light on It
We’ve just passed the Winter Solstice, the shortest day in the solar year. Psychologically we’ve touched the bottom of the pool and have a chance to push upward toward light again. This can be a potent time to look at our lives and actions. Shine light on them. What fresh approaches might we adopt? Here’s…
Read MoreIn the Web of Life many choices are available
In the web of life, many choices are available. Ten years ago, I got to meet my Italian publisher – once. She was a delightful person who insisted on treating me to a local delicacy for lunch. Whether she was testing me out as a die-hard vegetarian or not, I’ll never know. We were in…
Read MoreWeb of Life Eating Meat will be an option for some
The web of life and eating meat: People look at you and only see the “you” that’s presently there on the surface. It can be hard to imagine all the changes any human has gone through in their lifetime. I’m no different. As a well-known vegetarian author and chef, I was asked last week on…
Read MorePolarity Therapy, what is it? Could it be useful for you?
Polarity Therapy was born in the mid 1900’s under the inspiration and insight of Dr. Randolph Stone. Its potential rebirth is being celebrated in New York City this June 20 – 23. Some of the best Polarity Therapy teachers in the country will gather on Long Island for the Renaissance for Polarity Conference 2019. This blog…
Read MoreNature is alive in us. And we are alive in Her.
Nature is alive in us. Last week I looked out the window toward the sky in the northeast. Through the tall pines, clouds rolled by steadily. There were two small clouds in the middle of a patch of blue, being guided along to the east by the large mass of clouds circling them. It gave…
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