Dynamics of Healing Chai

Dynamics of Healing Chai

It’s worth contemplating the dynamics of healing chai as the season changes on us. This sweet, pungent, and astringent-tasting brew warms us up just when we are needing it. As the season changes, it’s time for our food and beverage choices to change some too. With autumn, we need more warmth and less coolness, more…

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A Tale of Two Broken Blenders Plastic and Climate Change

In this moment so many sentient beings are directly in the path of danger. At a time like this, tending to the mundane or long term feels just that, pretty small and/or remote.  In one of those aching moments, I got an email from our good friend Ramona with a cheery inquiry “Hey! I keep thinking of…

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Golden milk Hot Chocolate

Soothing Creamy Milk – What Kind?

(Stay Warm and Gently Spiced) Facing the dairy section of your closest big grocery store, you may see a bewildering array of soothing creamy milk these days. There’s classic cow’s milk in a variety of fat to no-fat forms. There could be goat’s milk. Now some places there’s also plant-based almond milk, coconut–cashew, oat, rice,…

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The Polarity Paradigm Meets Ayurveda in this 21st Century: Tending Digestive Fire on Labor Day

Imagine that we are all part of this Polarity paradigm together in late summer 2020. I invite you to join a creative riff with me, to imagine what might happen if two seminal energies were to meet unexpectedly. I invite you to open to the Field together as these energies unfold and interact. The two…

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Nurturing Healing Connections in the Midst of Chaos

Nurturing healing connections is a challenge as the pandemic keeps on rolling, economies lurch, and current events range from gut-wrenching appalling to potentially hopeful. Ayurveda and Polarity Therapy both offer ways to connect or re-connect with a deeper healing balance inside. In past blogs, I’ve written about the importance of connection for a strong immune…

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Maintaining healthy Kapha

Ayurveda Maintain Healthy Kapha in Early Summer: 6 Explores

How do we maintain healthy Kapha? I’ve been thinking a lot about life in terms of the elements lately. In Ayurveda, the three doshas are the biologically active manifestations of the five elements: Vata (space & air), Pitta (fire & water), and Kapha (earth & water). All three of them need balance with each other…

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7 Tips for Easy Healing Ayurveda Drinks Garden Fresh

FIND IMMUNE SUPPORT IN YOUR BACKYARD OR ON YOUR WINDOWSILL As gardeners and cooks as well as lovers of Ayurveda, Renee Lynn and I wanted to share this natural bounty with you when we created Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda together. The book just turned two, and to celebrate, I wanted to highlight seven…

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COVID-19 Recovery Ayurveda: One Woman’s Story

Jennifer Laemmerhirt is no stranger to healthy nutrition and Ayurveda. As a holistic practitioner and former professional dancer, she has used Ayurvedic and other natural methods of healing for more than two decades. Yet when she contacted me after spending a week in the hospital with coronavirus in Frankfort, Germany, she was in the midst…

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Nature is Win-Win in Creating COVID-19 Ayurveda Healing Balance

In COVID-19 Ayurveda healing balance, nature is the key player. In coming back into a natural balance, we encourage our chances for wellnes and the planet’s at the same time. Quelling COVID-19 and meeting climate change from an Ayurvedic perspective are the same thing. Both are about coming back into balance with nature and ourselves.…

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In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down, impacting all of us. Are there measures you can use from Ayurveda that positively strengthen yourself and your community? In the face of COVID-19 Ayurveda responses weigh in on the side of health. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old East Indian complementary medical system utilizing healing methods…

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