Calm Nervous System and Gut with The 5-Pointed Star from Polarity Therapy, an easy self-care sequence

Looking for ways to calm nervous system and gut in these turbulent times? Here’s a simple sequence to soothe your body and psyche with Polarity Therapy & Ayurveda self – care. in this short YouTube video, I talk you through The 5-Pointed Star, a popular protocol in Polarity Therapy based on the work of Dr. Randolph Stone . Using healing therapeutic points from Ayurveda called marma points paired with The 5-Pointed Star, you can follow along to create relief and calm for your nervous system and gut. In this sequence, you’ll connect with the five points of your own energetic “star” stress relief pattern: the neck, the shoulders, and the hips.

You can gently hold these therapeutic points on your body and breathe with kindness. The contacts support relaxation of the parasympathetic nervous system and energetically tonify the organs of digestion and elimination. Join me here for this simple grounding reset.

If you’re interested in learning more about Polarity Therapy and Marma Therapy from me, I offer a recorded 3-hour course on this protocol and others, with Seva Ayuveda. This course is on special now for $60 for all three modules. You can also view a short discussion about this process with Seva and I here.

Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, recently wrote a beautiful new book, The Serviceberry which explores further the basis for healing with indigenous ecological wisdom at the community, individual, and global levels. What we do matters. “All Flourishing is Mutual,” as she says, honoring the web of energy and life of which we are a part.

As we calm nervous system and gut, may this more flowing experience percolate out in all directions in which it’s needed.

Amadea Morningstar, MA, RPE, RYT (she, they, ours) offers both in person and online education and healing at in Santa Fe, NM.

Calm nervous system and gut marma image much thanks to Angela Werneke