What’s happening with the Easy Healing Drinks print book? It’s here!
OK. It’s in my hands. It’s easy to use. I flip to a recipe, and 5 – 10 minutes later, I’ve got a beverage ready to drink. Wholesome liquid refreshment. The sun-lit photos make you want to play with the drinks immediately. The info is friendly and useful. Did you know now is a wise time to tend your digestive fire? Yes, while Pitta is increasing, agni is declining. Supportive digestives like peppermint, coriander and/or cardamom work well at this moment. Learn how to weave them and other copacetic spices into dozens of tasty simple beverages, all Ayurvedically balanced and gut-friendly. Join the small polite crowds of happy people who already have got the book in their hands. (Bless you, NAMA, SimpleVeda and Dallasonions!)
Renee Lynn and I are delighted to announce that the print version of Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda with an excellent foreword from Dr. Vasant Lad is available for purchase. As co-publishers, ours was a circuitous path to this delectable result. The back story: Originally we planned to offer the book through Create Space (Amazon) and Ingram Spark with print on demand. Our print book team, Karen Bomm, Leslie Waltzer, Michele Schulz, and Mary Neighbor all worked hard and well toward this aim. Yet when we got the proofs of the book back from both companies, we had to take a moment and pause. Renee’s radiant photography did not “pop” with the POD paper. And Create Space wouldn’t let us set the price as low as we wanted. What to do?
Here’s where Nataraj Books, Inc. came in. A publisher/printer/distributor in Virginia specializing in South Asian books, they’d recently gotten more interested in Ayurveda and Yoga titles. They were handling the book sales for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association conference, at that time coming up in less than six weeks. They were kindly willing to sell our POD self-published books at the conference in Plano, Texas. Yet when we ran into snags with the quality of POD, they said, “Look, maybe we can work together.” In an astoundingly short period of time, Salil Mahajan of NBI arranged for a high quality print version of the book to be ready for the Ayurvedic conference. And it was printed in the US with non-toxic materials and bio-degradable inks, ready for Earth Day. We hold the publishing rights; NBI is the printer and distributor. They distribute widely, to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, and many smaller schools, bookstores and businesses. They’ve been great to work with, responsive, clear and informed. As a longtime Ayurveda writer, it feels wonderful to be working with an East Indian family-owned business. It’s like coming home. Being able to sign books at NAMA last weekend together with other authors debuting their fine new work: Susan Weis-Bohlen, Batool Merali (signing the book she co-wrote with Z Light Miller) and Laura Plumb was a joyous time. In order to be able to pull off this miracle, we invested in a print run of 5,000 books.
Now we need to get this book to you! If you want to buy a copy immediately, go to www.EasyHealingDrinks.com, and it will arrive in your hands this week. If you’re a New Mexico local, track down Renee or Amadea anywhere and we’ll be glad to sell you an autographed copy. Come party with us this Mother’s Day, May 13, 2 – 5 pm MDT at Agni Ayurveda in Santa Fe and get your signed copy, enjoy easy healing drinks and say hi to the folks on FB Live.
Yes, we’ll be doing a virtual launch the same day, Mother’s Day. If you’re an Amazon shopper, this day, May 13, is a great time to buy your copy of Easy Healing Drinks, during our 24-hour virtual launch. Write a review! Buy one for a friend! You’d be amazed how often I (Amadea) have been told over the years by some seasoned, healthy soul, “Your book was the first one I ever read about Ayurveda.” They’re user-friendly and beautiful. If you’ve got someone you think would benefit from owning Easy Healing Drinks, feel free to gift them one.
If you’re more the support-local-business kind of person, please come directly to our locally owned and operated website, and get your copies this way. (We even just got our own city business license, fire inspection and all. As one local present at that moment wryly observed, “It’s not every new book that has its own fire inspection.”) Get your copy today – unless you are good at restraining desire and wish to join us Mother’s Day for our official launch. That’s great, too.
If you’re not wishing to be encumbered by material items, the full All Seasons eBook version is scheduled to come out in a few months. Or enjoy our shorter, one season eBooks, including Easy Healing Drinks: Cleansing and Sustaining Recipes, available for purchase now.
Amadea Morningstar, MA, RPE, RYT is an expert in Ayurvedic health care. She meets you where you are, and is available with respect, bringing over 40 professional years of experience, academic training and hands-on knowledge to her sessions and books. Sessions with Amadea include Western nutrition, Ayurvedic nutrition and herbalism, Polarity Therapy, Marma therapy, Integral yoga, and nature-based approaches. She and Renee Lynn are co-authors, co-owners and co-publishers together of the Easy Healing Drinks series.
Easy Healing Drinks cover designed by Leslie Waltzer, Crowfoot Design