Lemon Balm Sleep Support
Lemon balm sleep support is not as well known as it ought to be! While there’s lots of heavy hitters out there on the supplements shelves for insomnia, lemon balm is a beguilingly sweet smelling, delightful tasting herb that calms mood during the day, and helps sleep at night. I find it most effective when I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and still want another couple hours of sleep. One capsule of Melissia officinalis or a dropperful of the tincture in water kept close to the bedside, as needed for lemon balm sleep support, can evoke good results.
Lemon balm sleep support is just part of this friend’s gifts. Lemon balm is also a valuable support for restless hearts and nervous stomachs. It’s a gentle carminative (= it relieves gas). It’s a hardy, beautiful, easy to grow plant.
When you’re looking to improve the quality of your sleep, here’s a couple of other tips to consider. Many people find sleeping with their heads toward the north or east substantially more settling. Turning the wifi and all artificial lights off at night can also have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Moving within the natural rhythms of night and day, letting night be as dark as possible, gives strength to one’s sleep routines.
Here’s a recipe with lemon balm from Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda. It’s one of my favorite year-round teas. I use it more during the day to support calm and a steady nervous system. Yet a cup with supper can be quite nice.
Time: 15 minutes
Makes 3 cups
1 quart water
6 inches of fresh lemongrass
¼ cup fresh lemon balm leaves
Boil the water in a medium stainless steel pot. Wash the lemongrass and macerate it on a cutting board with a pestle or heavy stone. Simmer on low in the water for ten minutes, add the lemon balm, cover and steep five more minutes. Strain and serve.
Effects: tridoshic. In excess, theoretically it could increase Vata, yet this has not been my experience.
This tea supports: plasma, nerves, sleep, immunity, ojas.
Comments: SIMPLE COMFORT TEA tastes great and has a wide range of benefits. It lifts spirits, including in depression. It is anti-viral, and excellent for warding off a flu or infection before it can take hold. I make this by the thermos when I need it.
VARIATION: You can also use dried lemongrass and lemon balm. Cover and steep 10 – 15 minutes, or until it smells inviting to you.
A VERY QUICK VARIATION, if you have the following:in 1 quart boiled water, stir in 1 – 2 drops food grade essential oil of lemongrass (I choose DoTerra) and
100 drops lemon balm tincture (4 dropperfuls).
Same effects and supports as above.
There’s dozens of simple tasty effective recipes in Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda. Access our web special, $18, here.
Clear Easy Healing Drinks image thanks to Renee Lynn
Herb insights thanks to Herbal Medicine by Rudolf Fritz Weiss.