Archive for October 2023
4 Quick Ways to Ground in Awareness
How can Patanjali, Ayurveda and Polyvagal Theory interact to make an effective shift in patterns? Here’s 4 Quick Ways to Ground in Awareness, which make healthy shifts a lot easier. Both Ayurveda and Polyvagal Theory use simple techniques to bring our awareness into the present moment, thereby reducing stress and suffering. Here’s how you can…
Read MorePatanjali Ayurveda and Polyvagal Theory: Fresh Approaches in Ayurvedic Nutrition and Marma Therapy
How do Patanjali Ayurveda and Polyvagal Theory mesh to create more effective healing through nourishment and touch? Many years ago I was fortunate to hear a lecture by Ayurvedic yoga therapist Mukunda Stiles on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. I came away from his talk struck by how Patanjali’s description of the human mind directly…
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