Open to the Spice of Life

Discover easy, supportive ways to get healthier in your own life. You can use nutrition, Ayurveda, yoga, or touch therapy to substantially improve your well being. Amadea creates an individualized program specifically designed for you and your needs with simple healing changes you can weave into your life. Schedule a consultation today.

Amadea Morningstar &
The Ayurveda Polarity Therapy & Yoga Institute

Amadea Morningstar, MA, RPE, RYT, meets you where you are. Her great strength is to discover your strengths, and help you to apply them in a supportive, clear environment. Whether you are looking for a one on one consult, an in depth class, an opportunity to mentor, or the inspiration within her blog, Amadea is available with respect and expertise. Her 40 years of professional experience includes Ayurveda health care education, Western nutrition, Polarity Therapy, Marma Therapy, Integral yoga, and nature-based approaches.


Her school, The Ayurveda Polarity Therapy and Yoga Institute, provides hands-on experiential and academic training in the fields of Ayurvedic nutrition and herbology, self care, Marma therapy, and Polarity Therapy. The Institute is committed to integrating these with the emerging field of yoga therapy to create win-win opportunities for sustainable healing, for both our program graduates and those with whom they work.

Professional associations:

National Ayurvedic Medical Association, educational organization member
American Polarity Therapy Association
Integral Yoga Teachers Association

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places – and there are so many – where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act . . . “

Howard Zinn, quoted in Ecology Action Newsletter, August, 2011


amadea face side mountains




Join Amadea Morningstar & Sarah McDaniel Valencia

for a variety of new elemental Polarity trainings in Santa Fe in 2019.

Learn more here.




Healing Drinks book

Amadea and Easy Healing Drinks go to Baltimore this month!

Join Amadea for a class that integrates

Nourishment, Herbs, Marma, and Mantra.

Sunday, March 17, 6:30 pm

Enjoy a delicious simple drink,

start spring cleansing if you like, and discover more about Ayurveda as you learn.


To purchase your copy of Easy Healing Drinks now, click below.

Learn more here


“Thank you Amadea for …your part in the absolutely wonderful, delightful workshop. Your beautiful energy radiated what I needed to hear. I am back on track on a healthy diet & have gained courage to do what I have wanted to do for a long time, using the polarity work with clients." Susan B., 2016


“I completed my Ayurvedic Lifestyle Certification (750 hours) at Kripalu last year. The courses I took from you, Amadea, were a perfect mix of review and new information that helped to make the completion of the 750 hour course much easier. Thanks… Your courses are wonderful.” Brenda D., 2011

The Lastest From Amadea's Blog

Adapting Recipes for What You Have

February 14, 2025

Adapting recipes for what you have on hand is a familiar strategy for any of us who cook. As a long time Ayurveda cook, I’m forever tampering with the ingredients in a dish. Yet in my forty plus years in Ayurveda, I’ve noticed it’s easier for people to get intimidated by this ancient art, as…

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Healthy Connections

January 31, 2025

As we face what’s in front of us, healthy connections are crucial, starting off with ourselves. Here’s a very short Tibetan Cleansing Breath to clear our channels and our mind. Safe touch with marma points is another way to make healthy connections, resourcing inner healing. This can be hands-on healing, as you see here, or…

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Sustainable plastic free Easy Healing Drinks

December 18, 2024

As we approach the shortest day and the longest night, I’m looking at my values. Plastic diminished holidays are a priority for me. Less plastic means more hands-on interactions and nature-based experiences. If you’re looking for inspiration on how you can do this, here’s a great holiday guide from Beyond Plastics. As the Global Plastic…

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