Accessible Yoga with Ayurveda
Breast Health and Bone Health
To sign up for single days, contact Amadea 505 466 4108,
To sign up for the full program, $260 + tax,
click button below.
Online, July 24, 5:30 pm MDT, Dynamics of Ayurveda mentoring support group
Online, July 25, 10:30 am MDT, Dynamics of Ayurveda mentoring support group
Online, Aug. 21, 5:30 pm MDT, Dynamics of Ayurveda mentoring support group
Online, Aug. 22, 10:30 am MDT, Dynamics of Ayurveda mentoring support group
On Demand courses
Adapt Recipes: Use Ayurveda with Ease in your daily life with food
Energetic Nutrition, 5 hour video course
Work with Menopause Skillfully, 9 hour video course
Online, Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment
For Polarity Therapists (recorded, available for purchase)
Online, Ayurvedic Tongue and Nail Assessment
For Polarity Therapists (recorded, available for purchase)