Sustainable plastic free Easy Healing Drinks
As we approach the shortest day and the longest night, I’m looking at my values. Plastic diminished holidays are a priority for me. Less plastic means more hands-on interactions and nature-based experiences. If you’re looking for inspiration on how you can do this, here’s a great holiday guide from Beyond Plastics. As the Global Plastic negotiations closed this month in South Korea with no clear treaty yet, it made my choices and actions all the more compelling.
I’m proud of the work photographer Renee Lynn and I did when we created the sustainable Ayurveda healing recipes book, Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda. It was printed with bio-degradable inks here in the United States. You can make a recipe and store it in reusable containers, like Mason jars. You can use local seasonal ingredients. Sustainable plastic free Easy Healing Drinks are possible today.
If you’re a local (to Santa Fe, New Mexico) feel free to come purchase Easy Healing Drinks from the Wisdom of Ayurveda, Delicious & Nourishing Recipes for All Seasons. It’s on sale for $18 plus tax, carry it away naked or in a brown paper bag if you like. Contact amadea@newmexico.com. The winter seasonal eBook is also a plastic-free download, purchased on our website for $4.99.
With appreciation to Nataraj Books Inc for their catalytic role in producing EHD.
Clockwise from top right: Immune Boosting CCF Tea, Internet Recovery Tea, Hot Apple Cider, Cinnamon Date Shake.
Winter Easy Healing Drinks grid thanks to Renee Lynn