Healthy Connections
As we face what’s in front of us, healthy connections are crucial, starting off with ourselves.
Here’s a very short Tibetan Cleansing Breath to clear our channels and our mind.
Safe touch with marma points is another way to make healthy connections, resourcing inner healing. This can be hands-on healing, as you see here, or we can use touch for self care. I actively use both methods of marma in my private practice. It’s a nourishing way to access healing integrated with Poly Vagal approaches.
Healthy Connections with Marma Therapy and Polarity Therapy
Last fall, Seva Van Why kindly shot a great series of videos with me about my favorite touch protocols. Sometimes it seems the kinesthetic aspects of Ayurveda are under appreciated. The ways Ayurveda and Polarity Therapy connect for healing is rarely described. Seva addresses both of these issues well in her NEW Marma and Polarity Therapy series with me, as well as in her own course on this topic. Do check both courses out. They’re engaging ways to make healthy connections with this ancient art. Here are some free excerpts from my course with Seva.
Healthy Connections at large
Healthy connections can also happen through our friends, family, community, art, poetry, creative writing. At this tumultuous time in the world, making and sustaining healthy connections can have a big impact on our health, our nation’s health, and the health of the planet. Working together in support of our values is crucial.
On the home front
The book Bad Dirt, Annie Proulx’s Wyoming Stories 2, creates healthy connections for me inside. it has been actively cheering me up here in New Mexico. Her spirited Western characters are unrepentant, very funny, and weirdly resourceful. I’m not sure a city slicker like our current president truly understands the depth of frontier resourcefulness. I don’t know that we ourselves do. Hunter Thompson comes to mind (“When the going gets weird…”).
Since the Gang has invaded the “swamps” of DC, we Westerners may have to consider fresh strategies. Being a Buddhist, non-violent approaches speak to me: loving kindness, compassion, equanimity, empathetic joy. What’s it going to look like, this new brand of resourcefulness? Healthy connections for sure will be part of my mix.
Image: Yes! Healthy Connections, Amadea Morningstar with Melissa Ireland, 2016, with a shout out to good friend Melissa!
Amadea Morningstar works with touch, food, talk, and Ayurvedic nutrition in her private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico. You can connect with her online and in person.